Saturday, October 31, 2009

Neenar Neenar Neenar

So before I begin this post let me state that this is not aimed at anyone specifically but just something that has been thrown in my face a lot recently.
So it seems when people get engaged, start dating, get married suddenly they change. This makes some sense they have a new person in their lives and therefore it makes sense that their behavior would change. But lets talk about some of the changes. People suddenly change plans on you last second b/c they are going out, or you know they can say or do whatever they want b/c after all they are engaged, dating, or married. So they can treat you like crap, they can hurt your feelings, and you just have to accept it b/c its the neenar neenar neenar syndrome. I have something you want and therefore can talk down to you, and you can't do anything about it. So for example, you have to sit where I tell you, how I tell you, act the way I tell you and again neenar neeenar neenar. This would be fine if you had a way to combat the syndrome but alas as long as you are single and are trying to be yourself it means you are now a lower life form. Not a human on the grounds that you are still single regardless of anything else going on in your life. I had two people both younger than me this past week talk to me as if I do not have two brain cells. One of them informed me that I have to watch my language in my office in front of a 26 year old. The other informed me that b/c its related to her I have to do anything and everything that she wants. I'm sorry if I'm a friend why do I have to change my behavior if I am not hurting anyone. So it is back to the neenar neenar neenar syndrome. Sigh. If anyone has any ideas on how to combat it please let me know. Thanks.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Work sucked today except for 2 things...

So my day started pretty badly today but there were 2 funny things that happened at work. 1 We were trying to move a pt to a dialysis unit that is attached to a nursing home so he wouldn't have to be transported. I sent the stuff from the nursing home and the dialysis unit sent their info. I called up the nursing home to follow up and they said there was a problem with the info? Oh? Evidently the pt was denied the transfer b/c the dialysis unit informed them that he keeps getting out of the dialysis bed and they are afraid he's going to fall. This referral was the dialysis unit's idea. Wouldn't it make more sense to say something like the pt needs extra supervision while he is undergoing dialysis? It says the same thing but my version may have actually gotten the pt transferred.
2. We have a new patient coming in I was introducing myself and the way into the pt's room one of my coworkers gives the pt's son a huge hug and then goes in the room. I looked at the son and went oh do you guys know each other? Nope but evidently we are going to be very good friends. The second funny factor is the pt's name is Joe, the son's name is Joe, (ok that makes some sense) but the daughter in law's name is Joe, and there's a grandson named Joe. My comment I guess they really like the name Joe.

Lastly crazy dating story let me tell you about Homicidal maniac. I was really young for this one, I was a senior in high school (Yes even I would call myself 2 at that point)I went to go and check out colleges and met this guy who seemed really sweet (he was a twin in fact [no comments from the peanut gallery please]) we spoke on the phone a little bit didn't have much to say but I was pretty new to the dating thing. He came to Buffalo for a weekend which was rather nice. I was kind of bored with him. My friends where he was staying was thrilled b/c he set up their computer for him. After the weekend he asked me when was the next time he could see me. I went maybe we should go slowly I wasn't so sure about him. The next thing I know he starts sending me these crazy scary diatribe emails. I went ok that's it. The good news is then I went to college got a new email address and never checked the Toronto one again. Hmmm I wonder if I still have crazy emails from the dude waiting for me.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


So one of my biggest pet peeves is the feeling that I'm going to lose friends b/c they suddenly start going out with someone. I am very careful especially when it is a guy that I'm friendly with. I've lost too many friends when they start dating someone. For some reason girls get scared guys get frustrated and I end up losing friends. In terms of my last post which has now been deleted I do apologize. I still do not like PDA and I still get very scared when guy friends go out and girl friends change.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

When is enough, enough?

So I had a pt who decided he was going to Missouri I mentioned this is on a previous post. I arranged his transportation there, I got him home care there, I got him a primary doctor there, I tracked down his brother's contact info and let him use my cell phone to call. Finally, I helped him pack and put him in a taxi. I received a phone call from him, although when we sent him to Missouri we gave him 2 weeks worth of prescriptions as well as any leftover meds. Evidently, that wasn't good enough b/c he is in Missouri and he can't access his meds there. Somehow that was all my fault. Oy.
In terms of my dating life I've been talking to a guy from Frumster. I discovered that we had met before. At one point I was at a game night and met him there when he was super obnoxious and nasty and moved my chair so I was now sitting half on the carpet half on the floor. I called a spade a spade and went wow you really are an ass. Somehow I do not think this would be a good match considering most of my friends see him as a moocher. I don't deal well with moochers. Oy. So far I'm not returning calls and no longer have access to him on facebook so I can tell him its not going to work.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

All about the randomness.

So today at work I set up a pt to go Missouri. Now my complete lack of geography means I have no clue where Missouri is (Yes I know its one of the 50 states) and I think I'm spelling it correctly, but at work I bought the pt a ticket with his money, found a doctor for him, found a home care agency for him. And for some bizarre reason now I'm tired. Huh.
Latest crazy dating story didn't even get that far... I think this one will be weird smoker dude. I was talking to a frumster guy (for those of you who do not know think E-harmony for religious Jews) who accuses me of being super religious as I'm telling him that I wear pants and wants to know if I smoke. My immediate response was no I'm asthmatic really don't smoke and can't really handle being around smokers. He continues to nudge me and makes some random comments about me smoking. I'm talking to a good friend of mine who tell me to get rid of the guy I turn to the guy online and I'm like this is a weird conversation, as it was getting weirder I'm like yeah no this isn't going to work. He kept going. He seems to be all about the smoking. Finally closed the window and ignored the dude. Why is it I keep finding these guys?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Stop the world!!!!!!!!

So I've come to several realizations.
1. Finding a normal cute Jewish guy is really really difficult.
2. There are days where I just wish my job were flipping burgers.
3. Some days my magic wand doesn't work no matter how much I want it to...
4. Like the song from Wicked No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.

But to continue with the wonderful Ilana's Crazy Dating life Saga let me tell you about Boring dude. I had a phone conversation with a guy that was 15 minutes I got off the phone and felt it was 14 minutes too long but I figured you know maybe he just has no phone skills we'll give him a chance. On my way to the date I randomly ran into my sister. I got there before he did and we met at Barnes and Noble. Really fun b/c while I was waiting for him to show up I got to through Books...... YAY! Finally, he shows up. I was so beyond bored. OMG. It was painful. Every time I attempted a conversation he just sort of ended it. I was fingering my cell phone and figured out I could not text without making it to obvious. I even saw a guy that I really dislike and was tempted to call him over b/c I was so bored. I figured at the least its been an hour. It was only half an hour. Finally I got away from the guy. The next day got an email from him stating he just does not think it is a good idea for us to continue. I was dying of laughter I figured out he only sent me the email first so he can save his ego. Sigh.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My life is too random

So there were various random events recently...
A Funny things happened at work.
I'm interviewing an 80 year old man at work who is hard of hearing, and confused. I was asking him his preferences you know does he want a nap in the am vs pm etc. I asked him if he wants to have a male or female help him. He said he didn't care but he did want a young chippy to help him out. His children and I all burst out laughing.

I'm at simchat torah (Jewish holiday you do a lot of dancing and hanging out its just generally a lot of fun but I wasn't feeling so hot) a guy I haven't spoken to in months approaches me and informs me that I am dating someone... My reaction is I am that's a new one for me. This guy explains to me that its someone in the know who had told him... I'm sorry still shocked. It took me a little bit to figure out who they thought I was dating. When I finally figured it out I was infinitely amused. It is a guy friend. Nothing more nothing less.
Other random event I see this guy who looks familiar I can't place him to save my life. I pull a bunch of guy friends to try and figure out where I know him from (they know me from different points in my life.) I couldn't figure out if it was NCSY, Penn. Finally I pulled a friend of mine who identified him but it took me a while longer to figure out where I know him from. The answer was I didn't go back far enough in my past. As it turns out he was a high school classmate. I went over to him the next day and freaked him out... It was very funny.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Confessions of a Jewish Dater...

So let me start just by stating that every guy I go out with gets a nickname. Or even a guy that I talk to on the phone...
Let me continue with I am a religious Jewish female who considers herself modern orthodox and finding a modern orthodox guy who can handle a female who is self-sufficient and a bit of a flirt seems to be almost impossible... I'll keep you posted with more dating stories. I'll start with one though. A good college friend of mine decides he has a perfect guy for me. We went on a date to barnes and noble talked for about two hours. I felt like I could talk to him for hours longer. He drives me back to NYC. Says he'll call me. I don't hear from him for 2 weeks. So I text him with a I guess you're not interested. He says yeah it was a good first date but not to go forward. He got the nickname of one hit wonder. When I repeated the nickname to one of my coworkers she was like OMG you slept with him on a first date? I'm like no it was just a good first date.