Sunday, December 27, 2009


So lets ask the following question. Why is it that the guys I am interested in do not seem very interested back. The crazy guys seem to be the ones that I generally attract. A good example, a random guy IMs me. He does not know my name, or anything else. He asks me what my best feature is... I said my smile, its usually out and about. I threw the question back at him... He said his eyes and his package. Woah! Dude! Way to much information. Especially since I don't know who you are how you get my IM or anything else. Suffice it to say the window got closed very quickly.
In the meantime, still feeling very single and lonely. I saw a friend of mine get married this week it was an absolute blast but it was weird being there feeling old and single. I hate this feeling. Sigh. The good news is that I looked amazing! Check out the pictures on facebook if you have it.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A week so icky it actually got rediculous, but some good stuff too

This past week was pretty horrible. I got threatened both monetarily and bodily. (A pt's son wasn't happy that the plan was for his mom to go home the next day but no one knew anything about it and the SW wasn't there) There are days where the pt's somehow decide everything is my fault even though they are not my pt. There was also just a lot of work regardless of how hard and fast I worked. Sigh.
But there were some good things... my sister and my grandmother are both thank g-d doing a lot better. I had a rather lovely weekend, and am hoping to go back to sleep in a bit. (I love Sundays!) Also b/c its the season we get some fun stuff at work like food toys etc. I even got a literal free lunch!
In terms of guys nothing that exciting appears to be happening. I did recently have a guy who was 70 something interested in talking to me. I declined. For some bizarre reason I was not interested in talking to a man who could literally be my grandfather. I also ended up with a really fun group of people at Friday night dinner some of the guys there were really cute. Although they were young. One of them just graduated college. Oh well. Still fun.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Let's talk traveling

So I literally just got back from Buffalo. Buffalo in and of itself was wonderful! I had a wonderful time having quality time with my dad. Alas the trip in and the trip back were both miserable. I love Jetblue. The tvs the space. Even the kosher funky snacks. But by the time I finally landed from both I was A. really nauseous, B. in pain (my ears do not regulate pressure.) C. very frustrated. The flight today was seriously delayed about two hours. Not b/c of the supposed horrific Buffalo weather (Yes there was snow on the ground but it was only a few inches, but today it was raining so you could actually see grass.) but primarily due to JFK and the fact that they had ONE count them ONE runway open. How could have a major airport be open with only ONE runway? Will go one better this poor little baby on the plane was so miserable and screamed for about a half an hour as we were landing. I'm guessing b/c his ears were not regulating pressure. The poor thing. The good news I got a lot of Knitting done. Ah well. Hopefully the next time I fly I won't be super delayed.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Emotionally, Intellectually, Mentally...

So here's the deal when you are single about a certain age you start feeling really single. Your friends are all married, they have kids and then there's you and you're single. You find out that someone who is younger than you is engaged and your feeling is mazel tov to them but what about me? Most recently I found out that someone with no social skills whatsoever is engaged. So I had two reactions 1. OMG he's engaged really who would get married to him? I guess that means to every pot there is a lid. 2. What about me? Of course I found out this information in shul and start talking to one of my friends about it who happens to be married. He said I have no social skills and I managed to get married my comment was that is not true. He said well how do you feel about it emotionally, intellectually and mentally. I answered mentally I can be happy for him... (Although he has no social skills a friend of mine called him a death eater of socializing sucking all the being social out of a situation) intellectually, and emotionally WHAT ABOUT ME? Then interestingly enough I was reading the latest Nora Roberts wedding quartet book called bed of roses (Ok Shameless Nora Roberts Plug) and one of the scenes is that the protagonist had babysat someone else and the kid was now engaged. The protagonist was upset hurt etc and having a hard time with the whole thing and I thought yes exactly! This makes sense. Sigh still feeling single but at least I know there are other people out there who feel the same way. Even if it is just a protagonist in a book.