Sunday, March 14, 2010

Men bah Hambug

So there was a guy I was semi-interested in, I cooked for him planned 2 b-day parties for him. Basically, was totally enjoying him one of us would start a song the other would finish it. He had a crazy fun awesome sense of humor. Last night, after his second birthday party again I was enjoying hanging out with him, he turned to me and said I need to find someone to date. I jokingly said how about me, there was no response he then asked me about a friend of mine (who actually knows how I feel.) He couldn't figure out why (once we were in my apt and I was preparing his birthday cake that I had already baked and was in the process of icing) I was in such a bad mood.
Today, I had a date that I had no wish to go on. I went anyway, I met my friend this am we went clothes shopping, I explained to her the guy deserved makeup but not my contacts. I also had no time to shower this morning... As I was coming back from shopping as it turns out I had seen him coming off of the train. He had a beard, his bangs were sticking up. He informed me during the course of the date that at one point when he was a young teenager he broke his older brother's dream catcher why b/c he decided it was a form of idol worship. (To quote BSG "are you frakking kidding me?) He also was a rabbi name dropper. Every time we attempted to talk about something he ended up dropping another rabbi's name. I was bored. The best part of the date? I got 2 pieces of pizza for free.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rant time

So my ex-coworkers and I had an interesting joke... They hate anything with needles especially a needle needed for blood work. I on the other hand couldn't care less. Take as much as you want. All I ask is DO NOT MAKE ME PEE IN A CUP. Ever since I was little I have not been able to do so. I can chug bottles of water and still won't go. I think this practice of peeing a cup was clearly discovered by a man. No woman in their right mind would believe that sitting down and putting something between your legs (which lets face it most women do not usually deal with when they are in the bathroom) is a normal experience. My dad has informed me that I have hated doing this (and to some extent it traumatizes me) every time. So my new job is starting which means they have to do a drug test. Alas that means peeing in a cup. 3 bottles of water half a bottle of zero-ade and I still can't go. They were totally making fun of me. I found it amusing, and frustrating. Finally, I'm able to do what I need to do but it took me almost an hour. I'm sitting there doing jumping jacks in the bathroom walking in the bathroom, still no luck. I don't know if this is something I should practice at home, which is ridiculous in and of itself or just keep dealing with the frustration. I'm sure one of these days I'll figure it out.

I'm a klutz but you knew that.

So last night I was talking to a Saw You at Sinai dude(a Jewish dating website.) I'm a little bored so I'm multitasking as usual. I'm putting away some dried dishes when I got attacked by 3 of my shot glasses. 1 landed in the sink, 1 landed in a bowl that was in the sink, the last hit the floor and shattered. I of course am barefoot in the kitchen cooking (I know it sounds like the beginning of a bad joke) and I was trying to get out of the kitchen but instead managed to step on a piece of glass. Ok so I can't walk and I hobble to my bed and had my cell phone right there (thank g-d)and called my parents who did not pick up. Called my really good friend/neighbor who came up with my keys and helped me. She is awesome. I asked her what she thought and her comment was that I should call Hatzala (for those of you who do not know it is a Jewish ambulance company they generally move faster than 911) They came, three married guys (I knew they were married b/c I asked) they did not have a flashlight (which I found mildly ridiculous how are you an EMT/Paramedic without flashlights) so my friend had to find one in my apt... I rarely use flashlights. Basically it was a wham bam thank you ma'am they think the glass is no longer in there and they left after recommending that I soak my foot in some soapy water and keep an eye on it. I'm doing that. In the meantime I went to the gym today and exercised on a bike attempted an elliptical machine but my foot decided that wasn't going to work. Ah well. Some things never change.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Male rant time!

So lately I've been going through a lot. I lost my grandmother, lost a bunch of friends, gained a job, (had to explain to the job that almost 2 weeks after I start I have to take off 5 days for Jewish holidays, and then a couple of months later have to take off two more.)[Being religious can be very difficult at times] (In terms of my grandmother she was a fascinating lady. Did not like to censor at all but I get several of my skills from her the fact that I knit, crochet, sew etc. She made all of her own clothes and always looked incredible!)
Now here comes the fun part regardless of all the other craziness lets add boys being difficult and annoying. Two of my college friends keep teasing me that i should become a lesbian I tease them back that they just want to watch should I become a lesbian. My frustration falls in that I'm not at the point where I am willing to become a lesbian so my guy friends can get their kicks. So I'm stick with heterogeneous relationships aka make/female. This would be fine. But the issue? I keep getting myself into lots and lots of trouble. The guy who I hadn't spoken to in a while b/c he was scared of me finally agreed to come to a shabbos meal. Yay. Then he changed his mind b/c he decided that there was another meal that he wanted to go to b/c there were people there that he didn't know as opposed to a meal where he knew them. After all he's been to my house a bunch of times. So therefore I should just let him rain check right? Yeah I was a little offended. Then there was another guy who seemed really interested. We were shmoozing, quite a bit. I actually kind of enjoyed him. Then oops he falls off the face of the planet. I invite him for a meal nope too busy, can't actually talk ever. Huh. One of these days my goal is to actually feel control in my life and not just feel like I'm being used abused etc. In the meantime I'm baking, cooking etc for the upcoming holiday Purim, still have to figure out my costume. Ah well.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My life currently

So this post is not going to be super exciting on the grounds that right now my life is rather quiet. I can say that lately I've been turning some guys down on Frumster. Number 1 I am not interested in a 22 year old. 2. I am not interested in a 70 something year old. You could be my grandfather. Although the range between the 2 seems to be a lot of fun.
Right now I am currently job searching. Job searching for those of you who have never experienced it SUCKS! Some of my friends call it funemployment. Yes there are aspects that can be fun. 1. I'm slowly catching up on my DVR stuff that I've taped. 2. I've rediscovered TV shows that I haven't seen in ages. The Nanny is really funny and right now seems to correspond to my life in that I'm 31 (Although Fran Fine/Aka Fran Drescher never admitted her true age), single etc. Also I still enjoy Home Improvement. Tim Taylor is great in that as I'm sure all of you know never gets anything right but periodically is sweet. 3. I'm still doing a lot of knitting and crocheting. 4. Once in a blue moon I go out on interviews etc. 5. Sleeping in and going to sleep really late I've turned into a night owl. Which means I now overlap with Israeli friends so I can talk to people on G-chat and Facebook.
Lastly, tonight I hung out with some college friends. I find this ironic although we overlapped for at least a couple of years it seems we still had different college experiences. I did not spend most of my college years drinking. They seemed to have done so. It was still a lot of fun and absolutely amazing to catch up some with some of the people there. Although at one point I turned to a friend of mine there (we were college freshmen together) and I made the comment that am I the only single person here? His comment? No there are at least 2 others here who aren't. Oh? Who? My son (He's 3), and the other kid he's a couple of months old. My comment. Thank you dear.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Amusing stories in the midst of a crisis

When I was in grad school one of my favorite profs used to tell us that the Chinese symbol for crisis meant both hope and I think despair. Over the course of the past week I'd probably agree with that. For those of you who do not know, last Tuesday I lost my job secondary to "budgetary constraints." What does this mean? This means last Tuesday morning I was running the weekly team meeting my boss called me down at 11:45 to the conference room. I went down and was informed that they are letting me go. I was proud of me I did not cry in front of my now ex-boss. I did cry in front of everyone else as I was saying goodbye to all my colleagues. As I was saying goodbye it occurred to me that uh oh PT/OT would now have to deal with my boss and the other social worker who thinks that anyone who is not a SW aka exactly like her is below her. (This includes me, I do not think of myself as a therapist and I do not want to be.) I started giggling at this point. My emotions seem to run between hope/despair.
The next amusing story is I was sending my resume to a facility but the part that you needed to fill out aka first/last name the first couple of letters were cut off. I sent the site to my brilliant computer geek friend. Who IMs me and informs me that all of his coworkers are currently giggling at the site b/c it was laid out so badly. He suggested that I use a different web browser. When I did it was still having some issues. My friend amused me greatly when he sent the facility's web operator person the correction to the site so it can now be viewed under any browser.
Lastly, I was in the supermarket yesterday and saw a good friend who I do not get to see very often. I turned to him and informed him that I have news. He immediately looked at my barren ring finger on my left hand. As I'm dying of laughter I said no not that kind of news. I lost my job. He's like I'm assuming if you were engaged you would have told me. I said probably true.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Did I go back to high school?

So considering I had a nice long weekend this weekend I find it amusing that the last couple of days have been so weird. 1. I find it interesting that a Jewish facility is making me possibly work on a Saturday. 2. I seem to have transported myself back into high school. I managed to make somebody angry at me who chose not to tell me they were angry at me so they ended up ignoring me. I did not think anything of it at first they were busy but then it occurred to me I haven't spoken to them in ages. 3. Gossip is always interesting. People talking about each other in very interesting ways making others upset, angry, hurt etc. 4. To quote my friend who just arrived "Life is high school... It will always be high school."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Let's talk heartbreak.

So another pet peeve is people who decide to ignore you b/c they are afraid of breaking your heart. A guy I was interested in very briefly decided to put me out of my misery and chose to ignore me. Suddenly I was persona non grata. I saw him briefly Friday night. It was a rather interesting conversation. I explained to him that he's not going to break my heart. It was broken already and its finally healed. But he's not going to be breaking it again b/c any feelings I had for him are over. This took a while to actually enter into his head. But I think he finally got it. I found it kind of amusing. My heart does not break that easily. Friends that I'm close to hurting me or ignoring me yeah they are going to hurt it. But a guy I'm barely interested in won't do it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Women are from Venus I'm not sure where men are from...

So there was a book several years ago Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. This past week it was proven that men are from much further away than Mars. One of my friends at work is a liaison so he travels from facility to facility. As usual I was having a crazy day he came over to work and asked to be let into the staff bathroom during the course of his visit. I let him in and when he came out he was talking on his cell phone. My immediate reaction was EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. He's like what's the big deal as long as they do not know you were using the bathroom while they were talking to you. Again my reaction was EWWWWWWW. I thought about it some more I had a male friend who used to go to the bathroom while talking to me on the phone. He wasn't quite as subtle. I'd be yelling at him the whole time. He's like both you and his girlfriend (at the time) seem to dislike when I do that. The work male asked me what do you do when you are in the bathroom and the phone rings? My response was that is what voicemail is for. If I have to go to the bathroom and I happen to be in the middle of an intense call I put the phone down say I'll be right back go to the bathroom and then come back. I'm not sure why that is a difficult concept.