Sunday, March 14, 2010

Men bah Hambug

So there was a guy I was semi-interested in, I cooked for him planned 2 b-day parties for him. Basically, was totally enjoying him one of us would start a song the other would finish it. He had a crazy fun awesome sense of humor. Last night, after his second birthday party again I was enjoying hanging out with him, he turned to me and said I need to find someone to date. I jokingly said how about me, there was no response he then asked me about a friend of mine (who actually knows how I feel.) He couldn't figure out why (once we were in my apt and I was preparing his birthday cake that I had already baked and was in the process of icing) I was in such a bad mood.
Today, I had a date that I had no wish to go on. I went anyway, I met my friend this am we went clothes shopping, I explained to her the guy deserved makeup but not my contacts. I also had no time to shower this morning... As I was coming back from shopping as it turns out I had seen him coming off of the train. He had a beard, his bangs were sticking up. He informed me during the course of the date that at one point when he was a young teenager he broke his older brother's dream catcher why b/c he decided it was a form of idol worship. (To quote BSG "are you frakking kidding me?) He also was a rabbi name dropper. Every time we attempted to talk about something he ended up dropping another rabbi's name. I was bored. The best part of the date? I got 2 pieces of pizza for free.

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